Flutter Recommendations

Get Recommendations

You can personalize the user experience and increase sales by adding recommendations of your goods and services to your React Native app. The passed recommendations are based on customer activity data and include various options such as out of stock items, cross-selling, upselling, potential purchases, personal recommendations, and more.

final recommendations = await Reteno.getRecommendations(
  recomenedationVariantId: 'r1107v1482',
  productIds: ['240-LV09', '24-WG080'],
  categoryId: 'Default Category/Training/Video Download',
  filters: [RetenoRecomendationFilter(name: 'filter_name', values: ['filter_value'])],
  fields: ['productId', 'name', 'descr', 'imageUrl', 'price'],

Log Recommendation Event

You can track events related to showing user-specific product recommendations or user clicks on recommended products using this method.

final event = RetenoRecomEvent(
  eventType: RetenoRecomEventType.impression,
  dateOccurred: DateTime.now(),
  productId: 'product_id',
final events = RetenoRecomEvents(
  recomVariantId: 'recom_variant_id',
  events: [event],
await Reteno.logRecommendationsEvent(events);