Flutter Android SDK Setup

Getting Started With Reteno SDK for Android

  1. Install reteno_flutter_sdk using flutter pub command:
flutter pub add reteno_plugin

This will add entry in your project's pubspec.yaml (and run flutter pub get):

  reteno_plugin: (latest_version_here)
  1. Add mavenCentral repository in your project level build.gradle:
buildscript { 
    repositories { 
  1. Add reteno and firebase dependencies in application level build.gradle:
ependencies {
    implementation 'com.reteno:fcm:(latest_version_here)'
    implementation "com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:23.1.0"
    implementation "com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging-ktx:23.1.0"
com.reteno:fcmFCM enables push notifications through SDK and all core functionality
firebase:firebase-messagingFirebase cloud messaging
firebase:firebase-messaging-ktxFirebase cloud messaging Kotlin extensions

Setting Up SDK

Follow our setup guide to integrate the Reteno SDK with your app.

Step 1: Enable Androidx in Your gradle.properties file


Step 2: Add ‘com.reteno:fcm’ and Firebase Dependencies in build.gradle



Java 1.8 compiler is required. In app level build.gradle:

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8



If you are using minSdkVersion<26 please add desugaring dependency in you app level build.gradle as follows

 compileOptions {
    coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
dependencies {
    coreLibraryDesugaring 'com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:1.2.2'

Step 3: Edit Your MainApplication Class and Provider API Access-Key at SDK Initialization.

Below is sample code you can add to your application class which gets you started with RetenoSDK.

package [com.YOUR_PACKAGE];
import com.reteno.core.Reteno
import com.reteno.core.RetenoApplication
import com.reteno.core.RetenoImpl
import io.flutter.app.FlutterApplication

class CustomApplication : FlutterApplication(), RetenoApplication {
    private lateinit var retenoInstance: Reteno
    override fun onCreate() {
        retenoInstance = RetenoImpl(this, "your_access_key_here")
    override fun getRetenoInstance(): Reteno {
        return retenoInstance

Step 4: Set Up Your Firebase Application for Firebase Cloud Messaging:

  • Download your google-services.json config file (see how here).

  • Add the above file to your root app/ folder.

Firebase Application
  • Copy your FCM Server Key. In the Firebase console, click the gear icon next to Project Overview, then click Project Settings → Cloud Messaging → Manage Service Accounts. Go to Service accounts to download FirebaseAdminSdk account's json key.
FirebaseAdminSdk 648 New key

Now you are ready to run your app and send a marketing push notification to your application.

Run your app on a physical Android device to make sure it builds correctly.