Configuring Workflow Start/Stop Conditions

In addition to settings you can apply for your workflow blocks, you can set up start/stop configurations for your workflow.

To open the Start/Stop configuration menu:

  1. In your account, go to Automation → Workflows and select the type of workflows in the left-hand side menu:
  • All workflows
  • Active
  • Not active
All workflows
  1. Click the Trigger Configuration in the Launch conditions column.
Launch conditions

The Start/stop configuration menu opens.

Setting Up Start Configuration

  1. Enable the Start Configuration slide button.

  2. Select one of the following conditions:

  • Event-based
  • Regular
  • On contact field change
  1. Select the settings specific to the selected condition, as described below, then click Apply.
Start configuration

Event-based Start Configuration

The event-based settings in the start configuration allow you to start the workflow upon the occurrence of a specified event.

When you select Event-based, you can set up the following workflow settings:

  • Event
  • Process unique events

Selecting event

Select an event to start a workflow.

Event-based settings

The workflow will start when the selected event occurs.

Selecting Process unique events

The process-unique events define whether to:

  • Repeat the workflow every time when an event occurs.
  • Stop the workflow after the selected event occurs once.
  • Run the workflow only once during the specified time, no matter how many times the specified event occurs during that time.

To select the required condition, select the radio button beside Process unique events.

If you select the Once in every condition, enter the value in the field and select its definition from the dropdown list.

Workflow condition

Regular Workflow Start Configuration

Workflow configuration settings:

  • Segment. It allows you to select a segment of contacts.
  • Start. This setting defines the workflow start date.
  • Start schedule. This setting defines the frequency of a workflow.
  • Allowed start days. This setting allows you to set the specific days of a week for running a workflow.
  • Start time. This setting allows you to run the workflow for 1 hour within the specified period of time.
  • End. This setting allows you to set the workflow end date.
  • Process unique events. See Selecting Process Unique Events.
Regular settings

When you add the segment in the settings, you can proceed to its preview or copy the ID.

Segment preview

The set values of date and time in the start configuration mean that the campaign will launch when the specified time and date occur. For example, if you set the start time from 09:00 to 10:00 once a day, it means that the workflow will automatically run within the specified time each day.

The same applies to the allowed start days — if you specify that the workflow should only be launched on Tuesday and Thursday, then it will only be automatically started on those days.

On Contact Field Change Start Configuration

When you select the On contact field change option, the workflow starts every time when the selected field changes for a selected contact.

On Contact Field Change Settings

The workflow starts when the contact field changes as the result of the contact importing or using the following API methods:

Setting Up Stop Configuration

To set up stop configuration for a workflow:

  1. Enable Stop Configuration slide button.

  2. Select one of the following conditions:

  • Event-based
  • Included in a segment
  • Order-based
Setting Up Stop Configuration
  1. Select the settings specific to the selected condition, as described below, then click Apply.

Event-based Stop Configuration

The event-based condition stops the workflow when the selected event occurs (or happened before the workflow was started).

To configure the stop on the event option:

  1. Select event. The workflow will be stopped by contactId if it is contained in the event, even if the events have different unique keys. If the event does not contain a contactId, the workflow stops by the unique key of that event.
    To view unique event keys, go to Automation → Event history.
Unique keys
  1. Enter the period value. The workflow will stop if the event occurs within the specified period before its launch.
Stop configurations

Included in a Segment Stop Configuration

The Included in a segment condition stops the workflow when the contact is included in a specified segment.

To configure the Included in a segment options, expand the dropdown list and select the segment.

Included in a segment condition

After selecting the segment, you can preview it by clicking the preview icon.



When the workflow is stopped by including in a segment or by order, the system searches for a contact by contactId, if it is not specified, by other identifiers.

Order-based Stop Configuration

The Order-based condition stops the workflow if an order-related event occurs before the workflow starts or during a specified time after the workflow starts.

To configure the Order-based options, enter the period value. The workflow will stop if the order occurs within the specified period before its launch.

Order-based settings