Products Block

Use the Products block to configure and visualize recommended products in the email.

Before working with the block, you need to:

  1. Connect one of the advanced features pricing plans.
  2. Set up web tracking
  3. Create a data source for recommendations



The Products block is available when you have at least one order in your account.

Block Configuration

To add the Products block to the email content, drag and drop it to the content area.



A block with default settings will be used in the message if you have not set up web tracking and created a data source for recommendations

Products block

Click the block in the message container. The following tabs will open on the sidebar:

  • Product list
  • Modules
  • Data
Products block tabs

Let's consider the configuration of each tab in detail.

Product List

Configure the number of product cards in the block and their alignment, placement, padding, and background.

Number of products in a row

Set the number of products to display in a single row (1 to 4).

Number of products in a row

Number of rows

Enter the number of rows with products in the Up to parameter.



Possible values range from 1 to 50 rows. If there are not enough products to fill all the rows, the system may display only 1 row.

Number of rows

To show all the products available in the data source, select the Show all products radio button.

Show all products

If there are not enough products to fill the last row

Choose one of the options:

  • Don't show partially filled row: If the last row of product cards contains fewer cards than the value you selected in the Number of products in a row section, then this row is not displayed for the recipient.
Don't show partially filled row
  • Show partially filled row: The last row of product cards is displayed for the recipient, even if it contains fewer cards than the value you selected in the Number of products in a row section. 

Set the alignment of cards in the last row for the second option: center, left edge, right edge, or adjust to width.

Show partially filled row

If there are no products to show

In this case, choose one of these options:

  • Do not send the message: Default setting. The message will not be sent if there are no products to show.
  • Hide product list: The message will be sent, but the content of the Products block will not be displayed for the recipient.
If there are no products to show

If the message contains multiple Products blocks, you can set separate conditions for each block.

For example, the first block shows items in the abandoned cart, and the second one shows recommendations based on the items in the cart. If you select the Hide product list option for the second block, it will not be displayed in the message if there are no recommendations. The header and the footer of this block will not be displayed as well.

Indent and padding options

Set configuration:

  1. Indents between cards and rows.
Indents between cards and rows
  1. Paddings around the Products block content for the desktop and mobile versions.

You can set all the padding at once or configure each side of the block individually.

Activate the More toggle button to set individual values and specify the desired parameters.

Paddings around the Products block



The maximum padding and indent value is 40 px

Click on the smartphone icon to set the padding around the block for the mobile version of the email.

Padding around the block for the mobile version


The background is transparent by default. To change it, click the appropriate field, select a color from the palette, or enter the hexadecimal code for the desired color.



Configure the display or replace headers, footers, and product cards.

The principle for changing elements in the tab is the same. For example, let's consider replacing Product cards.

  1. Click the Replace button.
Replace button
  1. Select a product card from the list or use the search field by name or tag.
Select product card

Headers and footers are optional elements of the Products block, so they can be hidden by deactivating the corresponding switches.

Header before product cards is enabled by default.

Headers and footers



The header and footer will be hidden if there are no products to display in the block, even if their visibility is activated.


Select a data source and configure the automation for displaying products in the message.

There are two types of data sources for the Products block:

  • Recommendations based on contact data
  • General recommendation algorithms

The Bestseller type algorithm is set in the Products block by default. If there is no Bestseller type algorithm, any of the general recommendation algorithms will be applied. If no general recommendation algorithms are available, then the algorithms based on contact data recommendations are set.

To replace the data source, click the Replace button and select the necessary one.

Replace the data source



When you change the data source, the changes are not applied in the editor. To view the actual message, select the View message icon on the top panel.

View message

Click the Go to data sources button to create a new one.

Go to data sources

Click the Save button on the editor's top panel to save the email changes.

Save the email changes



  • To display the product's old and new costs in the cards, we recommend using the additional Price component, which synchronizes the price data from the site with the data in the email.
  • This instruction describes editing and saving product cards of blocks in the module library.