Real-Time Contact Updating
We recommend regularly update contacts by Backend API (server-to-server) when some contact updates happen in your app's backend and frontend.
Let’s consider updating contacts in detail.
Using Backend API
Transfer contact data to Reteno using the Add/Update a Сontact API method.
The method creates a new or updates an existing contact in real time (synchronously). This means when you receive the 200
response you can be sure that contact data is already actualized in Reteno.
For example, you can use the Add/Update a Сontact method to collect data on subscription changes.
- One request allows you to add or update one contact.
- If a contact card with an identifier from the request already exists in Reteno, it will be updated. A contact will be created with all additional data from the request if it hasn't existed.
Method type: POST. The description of the method, fields, and request body format are available here.
URL to send request:
API Use Case for Web-to-App Project
A user has completed onboarding on the site (answered the questionnaire questions).
The Add/Update a Сontact API method creates a contact profile with data collected on the site and external ID as the main identifier.
The user has downloaded and opened the mobile app.
SDK creates the anonymous contact with the Device ID.
The user logged in to the app.
request with the external ID updates the existing contact with the Device ID and push token and deletes the anonymous contact.
Updated 4 months ago