User Profile Variables and Velocity Features

Personalize your marketing communications with data from your users’ profiles in Reteno. Optimize personalization with Velocity features

Using profile variables

The simplest and most widely used example of message personalization is to automatically replace the %FIRSTNAME% variable with the user's name.

Also, you can substitute any other data from the user profile in the same way:

  • %CITY%

You can see the list of these variables in the message editor (it includes standard contact fields and additional fields that you can create in your account).


To see all user fields available in your account, go to your profile > Settings > Additional fields. Additional fields can contain any contact data you send to Reteno through API.

Additional fields

More on using user profile variables >

Optimizing user profile variables usage with Velocity features

The use of user profile variables has some potential issues. For example, you may need to show different message blocks depending on users’ data. Or to hide certain blocks unless all data is available. To do this, use velocity features. Let’s see an example of using velocity with data from Reteno’s user profile.

Use case: personalizing message depending on location data


We have an additional data field in users’ profiles — PERSONAL.LOCATION. We need to show different email blocks depending on on data in this field:

  • If PERSONAL.LOCATION = Maldives — show block with description of this location and don’t show block with Tuscany description.
  • If PERSONAL.LOCATION = Tuscany — show block with description of this location and don’t show block with Maldives description.
  • If PERSONAL.LOCATION ≠ Maldives or Tuscany — don't show any of these blocks.
Velocity features


  1. Click on the first structure in the email where you want to show dynamic content (Tuscany) and open the Code editor.
Code editor
  1. Find the first tr tag in the selected email structure code.
  2. Declare a personalization variable(s) that will be used in the email above tr tag. In our case this is
  1. Add conditional statements that are responsible for displaying this structure to the structure code. Use the following statement format:
<!--#if($data.get('parameter name')=='value1')-->

In our case it will be the following statement:

Code editor
  1. Click on the second structure in the email where you want to show dynamic content (Maldives). The corresponding structure code will be opened in the Code editor.
  2. Find the first tr tag in the selected email structure code.
  3. Add conditional statements that are responsible for displaying this structure to the structure code above tr tag. Use the following statement format:
<!--##elseif($data.get('parameter name')=='value2')-->

In our case it will be the following statement:

Velocity example
  1. Add #end statement after structure /tr closing tag.


That’s how users with different PERSONAL.LOCATION parameters will see the message after sending:

1) User with Tuscany parameter:

Email example

2) User with Maldives parameter:

Email example

3) User with empty PERSONAL.LOCATION parameter:

Email personalization